segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011


A Loaded está lançando um concurso de vídeos!!!! Informe-se e participem!!!! São vários prêmios desde setups completos até equipamentos de filmagem.

You all have asked and we have finally delivered. We are so very stoked on the quality of videos coming out of the skating community and now is your time to create yet another sick video.

The LOADED MOTION VIDEO CONTEST- check out all the rules and how to submit HERE!!!

We are trying out an APP for this video contest. This App will be more interactive for you all, and you all will be able to vote for the top 10 videos and Loaded will decide the order.

PRIZES / SPONSORSWe really have some amazing prizes for you all. ACinevate Atlas Flt Slider, Nemo Gogo Tent, Super Feet Insoles and of course a years supply of lard + Loaded Boards, Otang Wheels and Nipple bushings.

Remember this is not about your skating skill but about how you film and edit a video. Have fun with this, even if you do not win it is just important that you get out there challenge yourself and create. Let this contest be INSPIRATION.

Anyone can participate no matter the age, country or board you ride. Just visit the Loaded Boards Facebook Page to submit.