Em meados de agosto deste ano, a equipe de skate Arbor saiu para as montanhas de Sierra com um propósito comum. A idéia por trás do projeto era simples e ambiciosa, explorar o deserto, e as estradas que nunca foram visitadas antes. Na caça por emoção o produto final foi ainda além da visão primária, que capturou como é a vida na estrada, fora da corrida e da competição, onde a única preocupação era se divertir com os amigos. A viagem foi sobre a equipe, os locais, o estilo de vida, mas mais do que qualquer coisa, era sobre skateboarding.
Não havia nenhuma garantia de boas superfícies, lugares para dormir, as condições de segurança, ou serviço de telefone celular. Estavam por conta em território estrangeiro, e a única certeza era uma queda de altitude.
Durante uma semana, acordaram de madrugada, tentaram pescar, dormiram no frio, se perderam no caminho, ficaram presos em cima de pedras gigantes, fizeram sessions por lugares incríveis. Desceram por mais de 50 mph.
O final é algo que trás orgulho e ilustra a paixão pelo skate.
Este e apenas um teaser da Arbor 2011, muito mais vem por ai.
In the middle of August this year, the Arbor Skateboard team stepped out into the Sierra mountains with a common purpose. The idea behind the project was simple and ambitious, trek into the wilderness, and skate roads we've never skated before. The thrill was in the hunt, and the end product is indicative and inclusive of much more than our primary vision; it encapsulates what life is like on the road for us, outside of racing and competition, where the only concern was having fun with our friends. The trip was about the team, the locations, the lifestyle, but more than anything, it was about skateboarding.
We put in the research and the time to find roads on maps, but had no idea what we'd be met with once we set foot on the pavement. There was no assurance of good surfaces, places to sleep, safe conditions, or cell phone service. We were on our own in foreign territory, and the only assurance we had was a drop in elevation.
For a week we woke up at the butt crack of dawn, tried to catch fish, slept in the cold, lost our way, got stuck on top of giant boulders, and skated some of the most unbelievable roads I've ever seen. People went down at 50 mph plus, and countless bystanders and tourists gawked as we trudged up and flew down the hills to get our shots. The end product is something we're proud of and illustrates our passion for skateboarding.
It is our pleasure to offer you the teaser of Arbor Skateboard's 2011 Get Elevated Tour.