quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

Dan Couch vs. The Streets of Seattle Round 2

The Underdog Contra-Ataca! D.Couch Volta para as ruas de Seattle depois que ele sobreviveu ao primeiro ataque urbano na cidade. Daniel empurra os limites ainda para mais longe neste momento, e vive até sua reputação como o "Couch Daniel Unbreakable". Nesta sequencia do primeiro vídeo da Five Mile "Dan Couch vs. The Streets of Seattle Round 2" o setup de Dan foi Divine 78a Street Slayers, A Five Mile P-40 Warhawk e Independent Trucks.
The Underdog Strikes Back! D.Couch Returns to the Streets of Seattle after he survived his first urban assault on the city. Daniel pushes the bounds even farther this time and lives up to his reputation as the "Unbreakable Daniel Couch," in this sequel to the first Five Mile Media Segment, "Dan Couch vs. The Streets Of Seattle" Dan's weapon of choice in this round was Divine 78a Street Slayers, A Five Mile P-40 Warhawk, and some good ol' Independent Trucks.

Watch the First Film Here!- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAI_-f3KVz4

Cody Shea
Cody Shea
Dan Kasmar
Brent Dubes Dubendorff
Kevin Carlton
Flight Photography-
Zach Horn