quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013

Play With Fire - The Rolling Stones

A trilha sonora escolhida por você tocando nos fones, o vento vindo de encontro ao seu rosto e o seu largo sorriso de alegria, isto só demostra o quão abençoados são os skatistas.

Uma curiosidade com relação aos Rolling Stones são os decks de 1989 em edição limitada de 200 cada, realmente uma raridade.
The soundtrack chosen by you playing in the headphones, the wind coming against your face, your smile demonstrates how blessed are the skateboarders.

A curiosity about the Rolling Stones are the 1989 decks, a limited edition to 200 of each, truly a rarity.

Play With Fire
The Rolling Stones

Well, you've got your diamonds and you've got your pretty clothes
And the chauffeur drives your car
You let everybody know
But don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire

Your mother she's a heiress, owns a block in Saint John's Wood
And your father'd be there with her
If he only could
But don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire

Your old man took her diamonds and tiaras by the score
Now she gets her kicks in Stepney
Not in Knightsbridge anymore
So don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire

Now you've got some diamonds and you will have some others
But you'd better watch your step, girl
Or start living with your mother
So don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire
So don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire