segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011

Skate Invaders - The Many Shirts of John Park

Este é um daqueles vídeos que vale a pena ver e rever. Bem filmado, editado e com ótimas locações aonde John Park pode mostrar todo seu talento com um Tan Tien nos pés.

With a style he can call all his own. There are few people who skate for the pure art of the skate like, Mr. Park. Come follow his flowy style as he takes you on a surf through the inner city.

Skate: John Park
Special guests in order: Chris Ng, Sebastien Bravo, Cindy Zhou, and Zeus the cat (on the wheels of steel).
Film: Jonathan Nuss
Edit: Jonathan Nuss and John Park

Music: Parallel Feedback - we stay strong together
aka John Park (turntables), Chris Ng (guitar), Nuss (on the the beat)​the-eternal-feedback/​parallel-feedback-we-stay​